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Things To Know If You Are Considering Liposuction

Many cosmetic or plastic surgery treatments and procedures are available to help you achieve your goal of feeling better about yourself. Fat removal through liposuction is a popular procedure that is often performed for body contouring purposes. This article explores everything you need to know about liposuction, including what it is and why it’s done, as well as potential problems with the procedure.

What is liposuction?

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery procedure in which fat is extracted from certain areas of the body. The goal is to reshape and define areas of the body that are not responding to diet and exercise. It is not considered bariatric surgery, although you may lose a few pounds. This procedure should be performed by a properly trained plastic surgeon. The most common areas for liposuction are the abdomen, head and thighs.

What liposuction cannot do 

Liposuction cannot remove excess weight. Generally, the amount of fat removed during a liposuction procedure usually ranges from 1 to 10 pounds.

Liposuction will not reduce the appearance of cellulite. 


Liposuction is especially beneficial for patients who are at or near their obesity level and those who are not overweight. They should have areas of fat that have not developed successfully despite weight loss efforts. It is recommended that you can weigh at least six months before the procedure.

The best people for liposuction are non-smokers who are in good health and have a positive attitude and positive expectations about the results of the procedure. 

A successful candidate for liposuction will also have skin tightening and muscle tone. In fact, if the patient is already overweight and has a lot of bad, sagging skin, liposuction can make these problems worse. 


Here is a list of conditions that may prevent someone from signing up for liposuction: 

  • Have an unhealthy weight 
  • Being a current smoker 
  • Being old 
  • Have medical conditions that make surgery dangerous 
  • Use of blood thinners that cannot be stopped 

Although excess fat can be removed, extensive liposuction is associated with a greater risk of scarring, skin loss, and structural weakness.

Risks can occur in problems 

As with any surgical procedure, there are risks and potential complications. For liposuction, these include: 

  • Severe bleeding or hematoma 
  • Necrosis (tissue death) 
  • Fat accumulation (when fat gets into the blood and gets stuck in the blood vessels) 
  • Risk of dehydration 
  • Swelling or persistent pain 
  • Asymmetry 
  • Changes in physical effects 
  • Deep vein thrombosis (DVT; when a clot forms in an artery) 
  • Cardiopulmonary (heart and lung) problems 
  • Damage to nerves, blood vessels, muscles and organs 
  • Unsightly scars, skin discoloration, structural abnormalities, skin fillers, or other negative cosmetic results. 
  • Need for more surgery 

Call your surgeon right away if you have chest pain, shortness of breath, unusual heartbeats, or heavy bleeding after surgery.

Other procedures 

Since many women look to liposuction as a way to correct their body size, it is often done with breast augmentation or breast lift.

In addition, for patients with abnormal skin in addition to excess fat in certain areas, a tummy tuck or body lift can be performed to improve the patient’s overall outcome. For some, breast reduction (through traditional methods or through liposuction) may be chosen.

Before your order

Your surgeon will examine you and order laboratory tests before surgery to confirm your health. This test will include a complete medical history and possibly a complete weight history.

Your surgeon may also ask you to change, stop, or start taking certain medications (avoiding aspirin, many anti-inflammatory drugs, and herbal supplements) for a week or two before surgery. 

Recovery and downtime 

Once the procedure is complete, you will be taken to the recovery area where you may be given a compression garment to wear to control swelling in the treatment area and help your skin adapt to the new body shape. you.

You will likely go home after a few hours, unless your surgeon decides that you must stay in the room. When you are ready to go home, have someone take you there and stay with you for at least 24 hours.

See your results 

Post-operative swelling and bruising can be significant with liposuction, so the results cannot be determined until at least one to three months after surgery. Although many wounds will disappear within 24 weeks, a shocking swelling can take six months to solve a complete.

Liposuction shows a small, that makes the wrong time. The expected result of liposuction surgery is a more refined contour and a better fit.


Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes fat from the body. This procedure is done when people have parts of their body that are not doing well with diet and exercise.

Although it is generally a safe system, problems can occur. After surgery, follow all instructions given by the surgeon for best results.

It may take up to three to six months after liposuction to see full results.


4 Types And Methods Of Liposuction

Liposuction Type:

Tumescent liposuction

The skin to be removed is flushed with several liters of saline solution along with a local anesthetic called lidocaine and a blood vessel blocker called epinephrine. A small pipe that absorbs grease. This is the most popular type of liposuction.

Dry liposuction

Dry liposuction does not use local anesthetic injection into the fat before the procedure is known as dry liposuction. The tissue removed by dry liposuction is actually 30% blood. This method is not used today because it has a high risk of bruising and blood loss.

Wet liposuction

The patient using this method only experiences general anesthesia, regardless of the area being treated or the intensity of the liposuction. The capillaries are constricted by the injection solution to reduce the patient’s bleeding. 15-20% of the tissue removed by liquid liposuction is actually the patient’s blood. 

This amount of blood loss remains dangerous for patients and may sometimes require a blood transfusion. Although wet liposuction is better than dry liposuction, it is still considered dangerous due to blood loss.

Super wet liposuction

Liquid liposuction or lipoplasty, this procedure is similar to tumescent liposuction where a solution is injected into the surgical area. This process uses less water and takes less time to complete. This water contains the anesthetic lidocaine, a blood vessel constrictor (epinephrine) that helps reduce bleeding and salt water. The surgeon inserts a cannula, a device that sucks water after spraying the solution, which removes excess fat from the patient’s desired area. 

Liposuction methods:

Manual liposuction

Manual liposuction uses manual force to break the bonds between fat cells in the form of fat cells by moving the cannula back and forth and rotating it.

Ultrasound-assisted liposuction

Ultrasound-assisted liposuction, also known as ultrasonic liposuction, uses sound waves to gently loosen fat. Here, ultrasound energy is used to dissolve fat and remove this fat through a thin tube called a cannula. The cannula is supported by ultrasound energy and, as a result, vibrates easily. Ultrasonic vibrations break the walls of fat cells. This makes the fat emulsified, making it easier to absorb. Therefore, performing liposuction in places with larger volumes and denser fat is easier to use a fat removal method. Ultrasound can be delivered either on the skin through a special transmitter or under the skin with an ultrasound cannula.

A solid probe collects emulsified fat in a tumescent solution under the skin, which is removed using a standard cannula. The main hole does both, keeping the grease out.

The UAL procedure is ideal for fibrous areas such as the male breast, back and areas where liposuction was previously performed. VASER: This is the fourth UAL technology that has overcome some of the previous problems. The power applied to the body is about a quarter of the previous devices and provides both continuous and pulsed mode. This also reduces heat production.

Power assisted liposuction

This assisted liposuction procedure uses a special cannula with a motor with a mechanized system that moves back and forth at a speed greater than 3 to 5 millimeters. It removes 40% more fat per minute than manual liposuction and, therefore, this procedure takes less time to implement and achieves the same results as ML. Plastic surgeons often use things as they get older to tire themselves and their joints.

Laser assisted lipo

Also known as laser-guided lipo, this procedure uses energy and technology combined with a medical laser beam to make fat disappear. It combines the destruction of adipocytes with a laser beam and removes the melted fat using different cannulas from the treated area. Neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd: YAG) 2064 mm was introduced as the first laser for lipolysis.


How Is Recovery Like After Liposuction?

Liposuction has helped millions of people around the world regain their confidence after long-term body struggles. Sometimes you have excess fat in certain areas of your body that are so stubborn that it won’t go away, even if you restrict your diet or exercise. If excess body fat makes you feel insecure and unattractive, you may want to consider liposuction. Liposuction is a popular surgical procedure where a small amount of fat is removed from your body, and a tube is used to extract this fat through the incision. This can be done in areas like your waste, stomach and thighs. In this article, we will talk about recovery after liposuction.

However, before making the decision to undergo liposuction, you should know what the results of the operation will be and what is expected of you after it is done. Knowing what recovery is like after liposuction can help you prepare mentally and physically.

Time taken to allow you to return home 

You will be allowed to go home the same day as your surgery. You will wait about an hour in the recovery room until the anesthesia from your surgery wears off. You may want to ask a friend or family member to drive you home as a precaution. 

Events during the week 

In the first week after surgery, it is recommended that you get enough rest. You need to give your body time to recover in order to run faster. It is recommended that you take time off from work and all household chores for a week or two. You can use this time to relax and read a book or watch all the movies that you have available. In this busy life, you will probably be happy that you can free yourself from all your work.

How you feel 

You will feel relief and a little sore after the procedure, but this is nothing to worry about. You can wear comfortable clothes, light, breathing, and soon you will forget the pain.

Your surgeon will give you a garment, called a compression bandage, to wear around your liposuction area to better compress and cut it. 

What will the operating room look like?

There will be scarring in the treatment area and some people will experience swelling. Wearing a compression bandage as directed by your surgeon will help reduce swelling.

Your final results will take a few months to appear, but you will see small improvements over time. It is a slow and gradual process.


Before surgery, you should consult with your doctor and discuss liposuction options and your recovery plan. Your doctor may recommend that you take pain medication before surgery or wear some type of compression garment, so you should be prepared.

You’ll also want to tell your co-workers and family members about your surgery and your recovery time, so they can pay for unemployment and take care of your housework while you recover. Also be sure to pack ice packs and loose clothing first.

Full recovery 

Recovery time is different for everyone, depending on their body, aftercare and the procedure. It is difficult to give an exact date for your recovery, but make sure you get enough rest and follow your surgeon’s instructions, and you will have a smooth recovery.

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